26 November 2014

WELSH CAKES / tortitas de Gales

 En este primer trimestre los alumnos de 1º de ESO han preparado una receta galesa "Welsh cakes" como broche final de la unidad relativa a la comida.

Here you can see how  our student Esther of 1º E.S.O. is preparing the recipe at home.


 ¡También os dejamos la receta por si os animáis! You´ll love it!

                        WELSH CAKES          

Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time:10 min
Serves: 12


· 250 g butter

· 500 g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting

· 200 g caster sugar, plus extra for dusting

· 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

· 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg

· 1/2 tsp ground ginger

· 1 clove, crushed

· 100 g luxury dried fruit

· 1 large egg

· mik, if needed


1. Rub the butter and flour together in a large bowl.

2. Fold in the sugar, spices and dried fruit.

3. Add the egg and mix to a stiff dough.

4. Dust a clean work surface with a little flour and roll the dough out to a thickness of ½ cm. Stamp out rounds with a scone cutter.

5. Heat a large griddle or heavy bottomed frying pan and cook the cakes over a medium heat for about 2 minutes, until golden.

6.Turn them over and cook for a further 2 minutes.

6. Sprinkle with caster sugar .